Leveraging Automotive Resource Groups relationships and the buying power of all participating dealerships, ARG dealers now get the financial benefits that the large public auto retailers have enjoyed for years. In addition to the substantial savings and increased net profit, ARG dealers have found that the service levels from their vendors have improved as well. Vendors understand the that every dealer who is part of the program has a direct impact on ARG preferred vendor selection. ARG continually monitors and measures service levels provided by all preferred vendors to ensure they are delivering best-in-class service.
ARG has relationships with national lenders and vendors across the country. The companies selected have been selected through a stringent vetting process. We hold our preferred partners to the highest standards in their respective industries. Based on feedback from our dealer clients we review potential vendors and lenders on several factors that impact dealer profitability. These areas include price, quality, service levels, financial stability, and flexibility just to name a few.
The ARG Preferred Lender Program is comprised of multiple indirect auto lenders who offer loan programs that cover the entire credit spectrum. Dealers who participate in the ARG Dealer Program have access to special lenders programs that have traditionally only been available to the large public retail auto groups. Based on the performance of the portfolios of the ARG dealers, lenders have been very receptive to enhanced programs only available to participating dealers.
The ARG Preferred Lender Program has proven results that show it is very lucrative for dealers and outperforms other portfolios for lenders. They provide more than more than just additional volume and efficiencies to our lender partners. We limit the number of Preferred Lenders in each credit tier to allow the finance managers to focus on the Preferred Lender programs and ensure they have a strong understanding of every Preferred Lenders program and where they fit in the credit spectrum. This allows the finance manager to reduce the number of exceptions and rewrites making it more profitable for the dealer and the lender. Additionally, we monitor and measure the finance activities of the participating dealerships to ensure that the preferred lenders are always given the opportunity to review applications that are best suited for their programs. The Preferred Lender Program was developed to supplement and be an enhancement to the Captive Finance Company and allow the dealer to maximize the profitability on every deal.
In addition to the extremely aggressive pricing dealers receive from ARG Preferred Vendors, many offer special exclusive programs and promotions that give our dealers a significant competitive advantage. Because ARG dealers contribute a significant amount of business to our Preferred Vendors, they receive the highest level of customer service available from each company. Knowing that your dealership is part of a much larger group, the service you receive can have a much larger impact. Your current vendors may already be on the ARG Preferred Vendor Program giving you immediate access to better pricing on the high-quality products you already use. All Products and services are sent out to bid on a regular basis and we constantly solicit feedback from our dealers regarding all Preferred Vendors to ensure the programs offered to our dealers are the best value proposition in the industry.
Deciding between OEM programs and other options is typically a difficult decision for many dealers. Using our proprietary software, we prepare an in-depth cost-benefit evaluation by product and franchise including all OEM rebates and incentives tied to product purchases. This allows our dealers to make informed decisions understanding the impacts of options. We assist our dealers in developing programs where they are able to meet all OEM requirements for reimbursements of warranty, maintenance work and benefit from the incremental income of other vendors. Participating dealers have the ability to decide for themselves if specific Preferred Vendors are the right fit for them.
Automotive Resource Group Inc. (ARG) does not give legal,
financial, investment or tax advice. Professional services described herein are
done through referrals to industry professionals. ARG believes that their
clients should only use qualified professionals when buying or selling a
dealership or entering into any binding contracts or agreements. ARG is happy
to refer their clients to qualified professionals. ARG highly recommends that
the companies you select specialize in the automotive industry.